Average Wages

The following data articulations are derived from State long term occupational projections, The Bureau of Labor and Statistics (BLS), Onet, ACT and The United States Department of Education (USDOE) using the latest annual wage data.

Onet Job Zone

Onet, short for “Occupational Information Network”, is the authoritative data source for occupational information in the United States. Using Onet Job Zones and educational levels, this chart shows the relationship between wages and educational attainment.


ACT WorkKeys Levels

The following chart shows the relationship between average wages and skill attainment using The ACT National Career Readiness Certificate which is part of The ACT WorkKeys assessment battery. Data source for this chart includes State projections data, ACT and the Bureau of Labor and Statistics.


Career Cluster

This charts shows the relationship between USDOE 16 Career Clusters and average occupational wages based on State long term projections using BLS average annual occupational wage data.



This chart shows the relationship average annual wage paid by industry based on BLS data.


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